
Manage your website simple and swiftly with IQ cms

Page manager

IQ cms enables you to manage your website both easily and swiftly. The page manager menu provides you with an overview of your website’s structure and webpages can be added, moved or deleted in this menu. The page manager menu is also the place where you can customise already existing webpages. Webpages can be customised by adding headers and text paragraphs, including media (images, videos, etc.) and including links or call-to-action blocks on the right hand site of your webpage. A publishing (visible for visitors) and depublishing (not visible for visitors) option is included in IQ cms, which gives you control over which webpages are currently visible and which are not.

Media manager

The media manager menu enables you to organise your images and other media (audio, documents and video) for usage on your website. The media manager includes several options like uploading and downloading files, determining the point of interest of images and  you can create, adjust and delete media folders.

Search engine optimisation

The built-in search engine optimisation function of IQ cms enables you to optimise your website and individual webpages for the most commonly used search engines. Important keywords and descriptions can be added to each of your webpages to improve the position of your website on search engines.

Would you like to receive more information about websites on IQ cms? Please contact us.